Mineral stones Cormac

720 грн.

Volume: 8000


Cormack is an alloy of bio-minerals, crushed corals and silver imperigned in flint sand. Cormack’s production technology was developed at the National Seoul Science Center and is kept secret by the manufacturer. Cormack has a bactericide effect. In addition, it significantly changes the acid-alkaline balance and turns almost any water into useful low-alkaline water. Cormack enriches water with minerals, and due to the presence of bio-minerals increases the negative (restorative) value of oxidative-recovery potential. Oxidative-restorative potential characterizes the ability of water to exchange electrons with the external environment. Water can give or receive them. Negative oxidative and regenerative potential means that water has an increased ability to give electrons. The unit of measurement is millivolt (mV). The value of the oxidative-restorative potential of living healthy cells in our body varies in …